Postrap Records

Postrap, founded by Andreas Kamala in 2010, is a record label from Würzburg, Germany.

The musicians’ preference for mystical rap sounds and downbeat experiments, like they arose around the year 2000, has brought them together when they meet at their current concerts. Focused up to that point on their own projects and publishings, with Postrap they realised their idea of a common platform; an own label in order to combine ideas and strengths. Power in numbers but all family. Postrap understands itself as a collective and among themselves launches projects with varying personnel. Since then the catalogue of their releases grows steadily, sometimes including ally musicians. They always keep up the DIY aspiration, they hardly hand over the controls within the creative processes.
The records, together with the artwork emerge from their living room studios; homepage, booking and distribution are looked after by azabeats from Würzburg and Misanthrop from Munich.

Postrap releases should have timeless aspiration. For them, vinyl is always in great demand; since 2014 tape has also once more played a role. For them it’s always about music being an expression of the soul – and such formats give it a frame. [We like our music in this format, made physically available”, explains azabeats. “In addition the idea of our LP as a closed unit of meaning.” He also often takes over the artwork: “mood, attitude, aesthetic of the record, it’s spirit; I try to catch it in one picture.” And the spirit of Postrap itself? Reveals itself, like Misanthrop, in other forms and constellations. The fact that occasionally, depending on the current hype, their spirit bears unconventional crops, is more forced than avoided: “We are consistent in not being conventional.”

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