Riverette is a Spanish record label from Madrid founded by the producer team Dos Attack in 2014.
Before Carlos and Andreas founded their label for rough, dreamy Club music, they had already figured out as teenagers a vague plan. _»At that age, you just want to be a part of something, which you think is the coolest thing in the world«_. _»We are certainly not over it just yet. Indeed, over time it has just become worse. Our aim was as naive as ambitious: publish awesome records, come what may!«_ The awesome records from Riverette transient between House and Techno with a ragged analogue-feeling. However, more important for the two than classification possibilities is the relationship to the people behind the music. »Of course we ask ourselves: ›Is this generic?‹ If the answer is ›yes‹, we don’t publish it. _»It can of course be Genre music, but it cannot be generic«._
The first Riverette catalogue number even came from the king of Genre music: Legowelt. _»In a certain sense, Legowelt was somehow like our Moby Dick. When we planned the label Riverette we always referred to him in the same breath.«_ Over the internet, a contact was established, then Dos Attack soon threw a common party with the Dutch synthie-odd-ball. _»He is presumably one of the humblest and most chilled out guys from the entire scene and his output is unbelievable.«_ It was also important for the duo to host their first, own track on Riverette on a split with Legowelt. Even though the producers describe themselves as quite different characters, they have stayed together for years. _»From the beginning, we had a kind of old, married couple vibe going on«_, is their description of their own work-life balance which isolates them on their home turf.
That may help explain why Riverette collected only few local acts in the back catalogue, including Dos Attack and Skygaze. _»It is just like a we against the world situation.«_