Soul Has No Tempo
Soul Has No Tempo is an Australian record company from Brisbane founded by Ali Tomoana and Gavin Boyd in 2013.
With just three records released, Soul Has No Tempo has managed to blossom into being one of the most exciting Australian record labels. Taking account that Soul Has No Tempo was originally just a podcast, a platform to »introduce musical discoveries in a weekly live mix«, recall Ali Tomoana and Gavin Boyd. That changed when the two met Jordan Rakei. It’s hard to imagine today without the Neo-Soul prodigy. Eventually this led to the duo otherwise known as an »unbelievable local talent« to not only conjure up an artists agency out of nowhere, but to also publish their first EP »Groove Curse« in 2014. Jordan Rakei at that time sent around heaps of demos. From the music, we made a truly special EP which undoubtedly also deserved a vinyl release, in order to cherish the moment.
After the EP’s release in 2014, nothing was released from the label for at least one year, because they wanted to take the time to tackle the project properly. Only with the second release – Jordan Rakei’s debut album »Cloak« – was the final step to establishing a label completed. The record was a success and it was quickly certified that this was more than just a one-hit wonder. Soul Has No Tempo went on to bring out their third release – the debut album of the young producer Sampology – you could see already at the low frequency of the releases published that Boyd and Tomoana did not just want to bring out music which could sell well; rather they wanted to support artists, give them a space to develop, and publish music which they themselves were blown away by.
Preferably, Soul Has No Tempo likes to publish on vinyl, even though Boyd and Tomoana admit that »in 2016 the format doesn’t matter«. However, the two have both collected records for years, and naturally they also want to own a copy of their label’s music. »We value the physical format and nostalgic feeling that resonate from records«, which is why the visual part of Soul Has No Tempo is always undertaken by exciting artists. With their one-off artworks, the »home-grown« talent and naturally the fascinating, diverse music, which the label’s name Soul Has No Tempo lives up to, Boyd and Tomoana without a doubt satisfy their requirements »to create a piece of art with every release, which we are all proud to have been a part of«.