Between drum machine and Jupiter 4 synthesiser, »Genscher Pull ‘N’ Push/Der Böse Osten« electro-funks us straight back to the 80s and places a few rarely heard tracks alongside the synth wave pioneers. Art P, that was Frank Grotelüschen and Jens-Markus Wegener, produced the opening track »Genscher Pull ‘N’ Push« in 1982. The song ended up gathering dust as a demo tape for some radio show, while its political message disappeared into the obscurity of time. With »bitte geh nach links, bitte geh nach rechts« (»please go to the left, please go to the right«), Art P sing directly to German Liberal Party (FDP) minister Genscher, who left the Social Democratic Party (SPD) cabinet with Helmut-Schmidt in the autumn of ’82 to find himself in the opposition alongside the conservative Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union in Bavaria (CDU/CSU) parties. Between politics and 808 rhythm, »Genscher Pull ‘N’ Push« bridges the gap between Kraftwerk electro and New German Wave. Followed by the instrumental Art P remix »Polaroid« from 1985, the B-side featuring »Der Böse Osten« was produced by Synthetic Republic, a project from Wegener featuring Olav Leander. Between classic minimal synthwave charm and bassy male vocals, thirty-year-old nostalgia is awakened here. »Genscher Pull ‘N’ Push/Der Böse Osten« delights heart and mind and gives way to the final demolition with its blasting energy even at today’s synth parties.