This is a great record of essence. Because in reality this album would actually be a whole piece, a non-stop frenzy that extends to over eleven songs, a composition full of grace and beauty. But to confront Christina Vantzou with this odious word is out of the question. From the first note of their second album »No.2«, as a matter of fact. (Sorry, I digress.) The artist from Brussels, who has already collaborated with one half of the ambient heroes Stars Of The Lid, relies here entirely on organic sounds, desolate pianos, tumbling strings and oppressive soundscapes. And everything stays comfortably in the realm of chamber music thereby, with nothing falling into the orchestra pit. Vantzou has structured this album like a labyrinth, the tracks leading more and more to the core, the centre, the light. Whereas on »Vancouver Island« a voice creeps into the foreground for a short while, only to disappear again between the instruments, »Sister« then builds up, underlining its melody in thicker and thicker fashion — without, however, escalating into bombast. Instead, the individual notes extend upwards like tendrils, lifting the whole track a little higher. Everything that comes before these two songs simply was simply the path to them, everything that comes afterwards is an angelic escort that transports you out of this album again, letting you touch down in reality. For it is quite difficult in the end to single out individual songs, Vantzou has structured »No.2« too much for that, has left the instruments to their natural flow. Ambient, a bit classical, a bit post-rock. Penetrating, clear, direct, no frills. No objection, no mitigation. Simply a wonderful piece of music.

No. 2