
Misha Panfilov Septet


Funk Night Records • 2023

Misha Panfilov likes shades of grey. Only yellowed photos of the Estonian have survived, showing him as an imaginary member of Steely Dan in the 1970s. But the man lives in the present. Somewhere on the island of Madeira. At any rate during the long winters in Tallinn. He runs half a dozen band projects from the Portuguese island of flowers. How many records Panfilov has released in recent years remains the subject of a term paper heavy on content analysis. In any case, he has succeeded once again with his septet. 

»Gala!« is more incense jazz and less library psychedelic, something like a Titanic orchestra in a ragtime rave that never sinks but sounds like it has long exceeded its waterproofing date. Which makes all four tracks on »Gala!« perfect for the first, second and third double espresso of the day. Many a lusty soul might be tempted to use the S word in jazz. Others stay cool. Whatever the case: The Misha Panfilov Septet released a summertime mood record on Funk Night Records.