Review Dance

Miss D.


Edition Hawara • 1984

Reissue of the Year 2023

In Vienna, you don’t go to a café, you go to a coffee house. There you order a melange and not a cappuccino. And because you’re not allowed to grumble, you complain… about everything, especially the Germans who come here and say »Cafffffee« and »Caputschiiiiino« and »delicious« every second word. That’s the way it is and that’s the way it’s always going to be and there’s nothing you can do about it because this is Vienna and sometimes, or most of the time, you’re an »Oasch« (Austrian slang for »ass«). That’s why you need at least a »Hawara« (Austrian slang for »good mate«), who ideally is not a »Kiwara« (Austrian slang for »cop«). For example, Edition Hawara will make you feel better about your pelvic health, as long as you don’t instinctively put your index finger in your mouth when you’re listening to disco funk from anno-something. It has to be said at this point that funk and disco were no better in Vienna than anywhere else. But no worse either. So the three »Hawara« thought, if it doesn’t help, it doesn’t matter, and re-released the dusty Austro discs! They were first released as Deephouse Mafia in the scene clubs, then later on YouTube. And since the algorithm elected to play their »Spompanadeln« (Austrian slang for »foolishness«), they’ve also been doing it properly since as a label. The eighth release—by a certain Miss D. from New York, who is said to have recorded commercials for ice lollies in the good old days— should appear on your plate at least once, because…: it’s pretty messed up. And for once, that’s not some kind of »depperta Schmäh« (Austrian slang for »stupid nonsense«)!