Four releases from Roy Montgomery were have been released within a year. The occasion — to pay homage to the New Zealander’s 40-year career. The album »Island Of The Souls« was release, along with releases with forgotten songs and cover versions. The conclusion to this is called »Audiotherapy«. Apart from the wacky title, what I can write here is that it’s great. A bold mix of Nick Cave, Mark Hollis, Dean Roberts (another New Zealander) and the weird folk music from the Charalambides. And Richard Youngs. I have no idea what to single out here from the 46 minutes of playtime. From the opening title »Audioramble«, a three-and-a-half-minute call-and-response between Roy Montgomery, Emma Johnston and Arnie van Bussel; basically a hit but far too pedestrian for the radio, to the closing song »Imperfect Intense«, a duet with Emma Johnston, which sounds like Christina Carter has set one of her songs to the voice of Lætitia Sadier. And, in between, tracks like »Audiotransport«, the best music from The Cure since »Disintegration«, just without The Cure, but as a listener you really do expect Robert Smith’s voice to kick in for ten minutes. All is familiar, all is new. The synapses really start to resonate. I read that Roy Montgomery released an album three years ago called »Suffuse« featuring ambient artists like Liz Harris (Grouper), Haley Fohr (Circuit des Yeux) and Julianna Barwick. How come I missed that until now?
