
Say She She

Silver Transparent

Karma Chief • 2023

Sabrina Cunningham, Nya Gazelle Brown and Piya Malik sing »Don’t You Dare Stop« into the microphone in what seems like ten voices, bringing a real vibe into the global disco. The rising stars from Brooklyn, New York bring the gospel vibe back to the front stage and perform somersaults around the tonality circuit. When you watch Say She She’s KEXP show, you’re really surprised to see »only« three women singing. Still, singing together the first time they met would have been the most natural thing in the world for these three. So far, so good. What began as a jamming session is now turning into a recipe for success. After last year’s début album »Prism«, the sixteen tracks on »Silver« are sure to make an even bigger splash. The blend of DC, New York and London combines the spirit of the big city with an understated dose of funk. It was certainly more than enough for them to open the 2023 Central Park Summerstage. Emancipatory feel-good, you could say. From the length of their band’s beards, you can roughly guess the level of disco-fuelled nostalgia you can expect. But as long as it gets people dancing away their world-weariness, it can only be right!