Koreless – In a nutshell

Foto: Sofie Fatouretchi
19 years old, a student of naval architecture, living in Glasgow. This is Koreless in a nutshell. You really have to listen to this young guy. Valerie Menedetter met him for talks.

19 years old, a student of naval architecture, living in Glasgow. This is Koreless in a nutshell. But as soon as you put his debut release 4D/MTI on your record player you get the feeling that there is so much more to this guy. His music hits you with a deep and well-tailored vibe. Listening to his music separates you from your daily thoughts and puts him in a special position amongst the UK producers. Getting a lot of fame through the Internet and doing remixes for people by the likes of Ghost Poet and Jacques Greene he will definitely reveal more musical masterpieces in the near future.

When did you get involved with music?
I’ve always made music. I used to write songs on piano since I was ten. But I’ve only gradually gone into production. Like actual electronic beats and stuff but I’ve always been making music, since I was really young.

So you’ve had a professional training in playing the piano?
Koreless: No, nothing like that – I told myself how to play the piano. I actually had a piano teacher who didn’t really teach me piano. He used to teach me how to use software, which was much better I think. That was when I was really young, but I was more into music theory – he used to teach me how to improvise, like scales and chords as far as I had to write my own stuff. I’ve been more into writing music than playing other peoples music.

How long have you been making electronic music?
Koreless: Only three years. Yes, three years electronic music probably.

»I actually had a piano teacher who didn’t really teach me piano. He used to teach me how to use software, which was much better I think.«

Where do you get your inspiration from; who are the people that influence you?
Koreless: I started making electronic music because of Burial really. I think a lot of people did. I think Zombie is quite a big influence, I think the way he does things. I’ve always been into the early Dubstep, like Loefah that’s quite a big influence.

If you would live in a different city, do you think your music would have sounded different?
Koreless: I think so yes, since I moved to Glasgow my music changed quite a lot just from being in Glasgow and being around all the Techno and House. It changed so much. I think it does depend where you live and it has a huge influence on where you from on what you make.

Apart from producing music do you also play out as a DJ?
Koreless: Kind of, I mean I can mix but I prefer doing live stuff, just because I can’t keep up with the sort of new tunes all the time. It’s quite difficult, that’s why I prefer doing live stuff nowadays.

If you go into a club on a regular night, what is the sound you are looking for when you are going out?
Koreless: Just something I can get dissolved in. I don’t like the kind of flat out bangers as much. I quite like to get a little bit deeper, something a bit different. Good music really.

I guess you’ve been following the media recently. The magazines have labeled the music that is put out at the moment as Post Dubstep.
Koreless: Yeah. (laughs) I don’t know. It’s always going to happen that they come up with new names and stuff. But I think we are in a nice place at the moment, everything is merging into one. And a friend of mine put it like †œpost genre† which is quite apt. Everything is coming from everywhere and just not really anything anymore. You have different people making different things and all fits in nicely. I don’t know about Post Dubstep. I don’t know if that’s a real word.

Would you put your music into this type of genre?
Koreless: I suppose, that’s where it would fit best. But I take influences from like outside of there. I think there’s a lot of people that would fit in with the same sort of stuff. The music that fits together nowadays is something completely different if you know what I mean. I think it’s an odd one.

What does an ordinary day of yours look like, apart from going to Uni? When you feel the urge to make music.
Koreless: Recently I’ve just come out of a massive artist block really. I was trying to make music all the time and any free time that I had I was trying to make music because it was all exciting and it didn’t really work it was all blurred up. So I tried setting aside whole days. So I wouldn’t make music for a few days, maybe even a week and I just sit and get some beers. If I feel like it I just lock myself away until something good comes out of it.

So you knowingly create spaces where there is no music at all?
Koreless: Yeah, I haven’t really been following the scene for a while. Mainly because I’ve been really busy. But I’m trying not to get to influenced by what everyone else is doing as well at the moment. So I listen to a lot of Jazz, different stuff and different approaches.