Wer als Newcomer seine ersten beiden 12inches auf Scuba’s Hotflush Recordings und Tiga’s Turbo Recordings veröffentlicht, darf von einem gelungenen Einstand in die Welt der elektronischen Musik sprechen. Tim Van de Meutter ist Anfang dieses Jahres genau das geglückt. Als Locked Groove darf der 23-jährige bei Hotflush Recordings stilistische Lücken schließen und bei Turbo Recordings ein bisschen aus dem Rahmen fallen, denn seine Musik ist mehr an Detroit und Chicago geschult als an britischer Bassmusik und mehr an Soul interessiert als an forscher Aufdringlichkeit. Genau das zeigt auch die Auswahl seiner »10 Favourites«, welche noch mit etwas Lokalkolorit ergänzt wird.

taken from the LP »Sure Shot«, De-Lite Records 1980
Find it at hhv.de*: 12inch A true classic that has been played in my parents house since I can remember. It’s one of those disco classics that never gets old. This track made me look deeper into disco and soul.

taken from the 12" »Pieces Of A Paradox«, Sound Signature 1998
Theo Parrish has always been an absolute favorite of mine, I basically love 99 percent of the stuff he has done. He’s been an enormous influence on me in terms of how he uses offbeat percussion to make an organic groove.

taken from the 12" »Texas Gladiators EP«, Dark & lovely Recordings 2008
Find it at hhv.de*: 12inch I think I played this record for more than 500 times, I don’t know why but every time I hear it I feel the urge to go out and party and go for gold.

taken from the 12" »Work That Mutha Fucker«, Muzique Record 1989
Made a year after I was born, but still sounds fresh and raw as fuck to this day. It’s been sampled over and over again, but the original is unbeatable after all these years.

taken from the 12" »Spectral Normal«, Metroplex 1996
Robert hood in his The Vision outfit. Raw, dark and minimal loopy techno with – at the same time – loads and loads of soul. In moments of need I always find myself drawing for this.

taken from the 12" »Relics«, Buzz/Transmat 1992
This is what I think of when someone tells me sunrise. A pure master piece by Derrick May und Carl Craig. A tune that doesn’t have to be mixed, people should just play it in full length.

taken from the 12" »Solemn Days EP«, Deconstruct Music 2009
One of the best Levon Vincent releases, »Polar Bear« has everything a deep techno cut should have: it’s throbbing, uplifting and emotional at the same time.

taken from the Compilation »Insane Music For Insane People Vol.3«, Insane Music 1983
A 19 minute epos that originally was only available on an obscure belgian casette label. It did however get a luxurious vinyl repress on Vinyl On Demand a couple of years back. Belgian Krautrock at it’s best. One of my most priced posessions, something I’ll never part with.

taken from the EP »Sepia Tones«, Darkestral Recordings 2009
Find it at hhv.de: 12inch
Mindblowing track and equal EP by Instra:mental and dBridge. I remember when this came out when I worked at the record store and no one initally bought it. I bought all copys at time and a few months later it was going for intense prices on discogs and suddenly everyone wanted it. No, I’m not selling any one my copys.

taken from the album »’Bout Love«,Columbia 1978
Find it at hhv.de: LP
Disco/Soul/Funk bomb. I don’t think words could do this one justice.