Yu Su approaches the sensual experience of the natural world on a journey through elements and matter. The Vancouver-based musician drew inspiration from her visit to the desert in Ojai, California, and her adopted home in British Columbia, to capture in sound the nature found there – the »golden earth«, as Yu Su calls it, which centres, stabilises, preserves, nourishes and is the reference point for all matter on the planet. The Chinese-born artist immerses herself in the landscapes of her tracks on her EP, or so it seems with the title track, which picks up new sonic elements here and there and is in a constant state of flux, as if she is drifting on water in different eddies and currents. Then percussion that sounds like the clinking of shells in the surf alternates with twisting synth arpeggios and a loosely wafting flute melody. »Pardon«, on the other hand, with its slow piano chords accompanied only by a hint of pads, evokes the reassuring heaviness of the earth, where only occasionally emerging tinkling synths remind us of the eight-legged or many-legged creatures that abound in the humus. »Menta Y Menta« features a melody that is as cheerful and bouncy as it sounded in places on her 2021 studio album »Yellow River Blue«. »I Want An Earth« is more subtle than her debut, where the compositions sounded edgier and more voluminous. But only in comparison – although Yu Su has abandoned her dubby, rhythmic productions in favour of atmospheric ambient here, she still manages to create those optimistic, graceful and, above all, elegantly accentuated tracks that float so gently and beautifully into your ears.

I Want An Earth