Review Dance Dub-Techno

Azu Tiwaline

The Fifth Dream

IOT • 2023

Somewhere between body, mind and Sahara, Azu Tiwaline has dubbed the spirit out of her mixer on »The Fifth Dream« and beamed it into a »Long Hypnosis«. The French artist with Tunisian roots blends the different dream levels, making room for »astral levels« and »interstitial worlds«.  If you haven’t just had to Google the latter, I doff my hat to you! Fortunately, Tiwaline is less about the words and more about the experience, which you generally just have to feel. Whether you find yourself standing in the desert of El Djerid in southern Tunisia or exploring the »inner sanctums of being« over the course of the nine tracks is entirely up to you. With plenty of tribal energy, Azu Tiwaline also sets a good pace in the end. She has also brought French-Iranian percussionist Cinna Peyghamy on board to drum up all the spirits with the Iranian tombak. Whether you end up tripping or dancing at the end of »The Fifth Dream« is ultimately irrelevant: the »cosmic energy« continue to flow even without our conscious participation. And that may be the only thing you need to understand in the almost fifty minutes of playtime.