Review R&B and Soul

The Pro-Teens

I Flip My Life Every Time I Fly

Mr Bongo • 2021

If you know your way around the Australian retro-funk scene, you’ve probably already come across Surprise Chef and Karate Boogaloo. Hudson Whitlock is the drummer and percussionist of both bands and has had another project going since 2017 with The Pro-Teens. Together with illustrious guests (all anonymised by detached pseudonyms such as Libby Clique-Baite), these 12 songs were created in the Melbourne studio, pulverising the boundaries between funk, soundtracks, psych-rock and boom-bap hip-hop. The fourth album by The Pro-Teens, »I Flip My Life Every Time I Fly« is accordingly overflowing with sample-worthy breaks, groovy basslines, funky guitar licks, cinematic moods and all kinds of analogue studio tricks. At some points, no one would be surprised if, for example, MF DOOM suddenly kicked in. In other moments, a soul diva would fit better. On »Convo« a violin steps into the limelight, on »Snooch Is Too Busy For This Shit« it’s kalimba and melodica, but mostly wah-wah guitars and analogue synths dominate the eclectic sound. The atmospheric »Greta Thunberg« then lowers the energy level a bit with ghostly whistles and sustained strings, before things take off again with »Elephant On The Wall« and »Slow Fast«. Especially for connoisseurs of the organic-warm analogue sound of the 70s, ²I Flip My Life Every Time I Fly« should be a true revelation.